LinkedIn’s Gift to Account-Based Marketers

LinkedIn’s carousel ads allow marketers to tell a story through a scrolling array of images and text. You’re able to use as many as 10 images to get your value proposition story told.

LinkedIn just did you a huge favor, have you thanked them yet?

Carousel ads have the potential be the highest converting campaign in your marketing arsenal… if you’re doing it right.

If you’re familiar with account-based ads on LinkedIn, then you’ll likely see the potential here right away. For everyone else, let me explain. Account-based ads on LinkedIn give you the ability to create a unique customized ad that can actually mention a single target account by name. The ad becomes its own campaign and you can ensure that only key job functions at that single account will see this ad.

That’s account-based advertising on LinkedIn… and they just took things to the next level.

LinkedIn’s carousel ads allow marketers to tell a story through a scrolling array of images and text. You’re able to use as many as 10 images to get your value proposition story told.

Using this feature on traditional ads will likely result in a small boost in your average CTR, but when combined with an Account-Based Marketing strategy, you can expect significantly higher returns.

You can refer to this earlier post to learn more on How to Incorporate Account-Based Ads into a Larger Awareness Strategy, and once you’ve got the basics covered, using carousel ads should be the next logical step.

One of the best parts of account-based ads for your key accounts is that you can continue to change the intent and/or offer of your ads and develop a regular cadence of ongoing messaging to keep these accounts engaged. You might be promoting an upcoming webinar or user forum, a new feature or a VIP dinner in their region.

If you’re running 2 versions of each ad (with display optimization turned off), and change out the offer on a monthly basis, the key personas at your key accounts will be seeing at least 24 instances of your brand in a truly memorable and engaging fashion.

Doing this yourself across all of your key accounts will take days (literally), so to make your life a little easier, sign up for a quick demo of Advertaze and see how you can set up your account-based ad campaigns in minutes.


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